63-13-71 Notch Cavity

63-13-71 Notch Cavity

Frequency Range: 136-174 MHz

Designed to reject one narrow band of frequencies, while letting all others pass in the operating band

  • Can be cascaded or added to one another in order to sharpen the attenuation of the rejection curve
  • Temperature compensated to ensure frequency stability
  • High attenuation to minimize desense and interference from adjacent systems
  • Adjustable loops: each cavity has a calibration index


SKU: 63-13-71 Categories: , Tags: ,
Order Information Single Dual Triple
4″ Cavity 63-13-41 63-13-42 63-13-43
6.625″ Cavity 63-13-71 63-13-72 63-13-73
10″ Cavity 63-13-01 63-13-02 63-13-03